Alberta Mascaretti

Alberta Mascaretti

Alberta Mascaretti has 30 years of experience in agriculture development, sustainable land management, participatory extension and food security. She is an agricultural engineer with various Master's degrees in Food systems, Agricultural systems and Environmental management and rural development.

She started her career in the field working for a few years with NGOs in Nigeria and Chad. In 1990, she joined FAO Investment Centre as an agricultural officer, working with partners such as the World Bank, IFAD and AfDB, in supporting countries in the design of investment projects for agricultural development and food security. She has worked primarily in Africa but also in Asia and Central and Latin America. From 2002 to 2008, she worked for FAO's Special Programme for Food Security assisting member countries in formulating and implementing comprehensive food security strategies and programmes. She rejoined the Investment Centre in September 2008, and was appointed Chief of the Africa Service in 2013.