What are some effective ways to reduce your energy consumption at home? In this article, we will give you some ideas on how to do just that on a daily basis.
This article written by Impakter’s Tech Editor Alessandro du Bessé with Erlijn van Genuchten, Ph.D. is the fourth article part of a series. Erlijn is running a challenge to find every day for a year, simple sustainable solutions.
You can check Erlijn’s work on Twitter or on her website too.
When it comes to business energy comparison, saving the energy does not only benefit the environment but it will help you save loads of money. In this article, you will see that our aim is not to force you to make dramatic changes in your lifestyle, but simply make adjustments in order to avoid wasting energy you are actually paying for.
5 Ways To Reduce Your Energy Consumption
1 – Unplug e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g
At night, right before sleeping, try to unplug – not just turn off – all the devices you will not need overnight. The Wi-Fi router is just one example of these devices, along with TVs, or any other household that has a red idle light on it.
2 – Do not get obsessed with heating or A/C
Learn more and be smart with the use of heating and A/C. When it’s winter if you want to use less energy for heating, try to keep your rooms’ doors closed as much as you can so the room will stay warmer longer and there won’t be any energy leak. For additional heating options and guidance nanceservices.net.
You can also think to install appropriate windows to keep the heat inside during winter. When it is summer, it is better to keep windows open as much as possible, rather than using A/C.
Spring and autumn might be tricky seasons: we all tend to be “lazy” and use the heating or A/C immediately when we feel a bit chilly or too warm. Solutions are rather simple: you can wear an extra sweater or use and extra blanket if you are too cold in autumn. In spring you can always try to adjust your clothing style and avoid turning on A/C already in spring:
In Japan, a similar practice is called the “Cool Biz Campaign”. They pushed companies to ease up on employees’ dress code to reduce the energy consumption for A/C. In addition, have your air conditioning and heating system checked by expert technicians from a reliable company like United Plumbing Heating Air & Electric services as it might not be in its top shape, leading to higher energy consumption. You might also want to consider using Induced Draft Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Units for a more eco-friendly and efficient option. For additional guidance on heating, visit sites like paultheplumbernh.com/heating/furnace-maintenance-and-inspections/.
3 – Use LED Lights, But Do Turn Off The Lights
If you can, use LED lights to replace halogen ones. Compared to traditional light bulbs and halogen, LED uses about 80-90% less energy to produce the same amount of light. Also, LED lights do not produce heat. Try the commercial industrial lighting that is a lot brighter than the usual, this way you won’t have to use lots of light to brighten up the area.
But even when using LED-lights, get used to switching off the light when leaving a room. It saves energy.
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4 -Try To Avoid Using Devices Unnecessarily
Many people keep TV as background noise: this means barely listening and not actually watching. It would be advisable to listen to the radio instead.
Similarly: if you can choose between a broom and a vacuum cleaner, you can think about using the broom more often, and for major clean-ups use the vacuum-cleaner, you can visit https://allgreatvacuums.com/ to find the best options.
If you have space you can choose to use a laundry rack instead of an electric dryer.
5 – If You Really Need Energy, Use Solar Power!
Solar panels can be used both to produce electricity or to heat up your water. If used to heat up your water your energy consumption will be reduced considerably.
Although solar panels might be expensive to buy and install, in a short period of time you will have completely covered your expenses because your energy bill will be reduced or even be zero.
If your solar panels produce electricity, some countries allow reselling the energy you don’t use both to your neighbors or to the company that runs the local energy grid.
In the picture: Energy Grid. Photo Credit: Unsplash.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed here by Impakter.com columnists are their own, not those of Impakter.com