What steps can you take to make your daily life more sustainable? In this article, we have a look at what you could do while driving your car.
On Impakter we often write about innovative vehicles powered by sustainable and innovative energy sources: the sales of these vehicles are growing on a monthly basis and hopefully, in the future, we will all be able to drive an electric or a hydrogen-powered car. In addition, if you like cars, you might want to read about Clean Green Compare taxi insurance, you might get something there that interests you.
But what about now? What can you do if you don’t want or can’t to buy a new car? Can you still be somehow sustainable while driving your non-hybrid, non-electric car?
No one likes to have issues with their cars whether is because your car breaks down, you have an accident or you just simply ran out of gas, having the contact of Ottawa Tow Truck Services can help you a lot when you are in need of road assistance. Be sure also to have a contact number of an auto shop like Audi service shop near you.
If you have been injured in a car accident, it is best explained by Meier Family Chiropractic that the need for chiropractic medication is necessary to utilize advanced chiropractic care techniques in order to get you back to proper body alignment. Of course, the legal representation may be in your best interest also. Talk to a skilled car accident expert like this car accident lawyer in southfield michigan and have him or her review your claim. A well-respected lawyer for car accidents will navigate the claims process, handle communications and pursue the best possible outcome, so you can focus on your health and recovery while we help you obtain compensation and justice.
This just shows how vital a car insurance is to every car owner. Consult a bear river insurance agent to know the insurance products they offer and if they fit your requirements. For truck drivers, a commercial truck insurance policy should be able to cover the costs of vehicle damages and/or medical bills should you get involved in a vehicular accident.
In this article written by Impakter’s Tech Editor, Alessandro du Bessé and Erlijn van Genuchten, PhD who is running a challenge to find every day for a year, simple sustainable solutions we have a look at some actions that could help to do just that.
You can check Erlijn’s work on Twitter or on her website too.
5 Ideas to become more sustainable while driving your car
1 – Check Tyres’ Pressure
When going on a bike, it’s easier to spot the difference between tires that are pumped up properly and tires that are a bit flat. In the car, it’s a bit harder to notice the differences, but the effect is the same.
Making sure tire pressure is always correct is the first step as it reduces the tires’ friction. If you have a Ford vehicle, you may stop by a ford service shop to have your tires, or even the whole car serviced.
2 – Reduce the Use of Air Conditioning
When starting a short car trip, if the car was hot from the sun during the day, naturally you would want to turn on the air conditioning. But would that make sense for a short trip? There is enough fresh air outside that would flow in through an open window, and it’s a great way to save fuel. It does make sense to use the AC when needed like when there is fog accumulating in the windshield. Investing in a good pair of wipers from time to time is also a good idea. You can get affordable to high-performing windshield wipers on https://www.grandprixtimes.com/best-winter-wiper-blades.

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3 – Only Break When It is Really Necessary
*Warning* This doesn’t mean drive fast or avoid stopping on zebra crossing!
It just means a change in your driving style. Braking and accelerating burn more fuel. For instance, when in the distance you see a red light or a traffic jam, instead of braking hard, lift the foot off the accelerator pedal. The car will continue rolling for a while, and by the time you get to the last car in line, the light might have turned green or the last car has moved forward. This technique is used by Formula 1 drivers too, to save fuel and it’s known as “lift and coast”.

4 – Remove Extra Weight
Carrying unnecessary weight means that the car will need more petrol to move forward. If your trunk is full of items you don’t need for your daily commute, remove them to save fuel.
5 – Try Driving at a Constant Speed and Slower Than Average
When traveling by car, driving faster requires for the same distance more petrol/electricity. In some countries, the speed limit is not always a friend with energy consumption and driving below it helps to save fuel. Some vehicles are even fitted with Microplex and other programmable components that help make them more sustainable. If your car runs out of fuel on the road don’t fret, the reliable towing service of https://towingless.com/ will be there to help you out.
You should also make sure that you have a garage or a place to shelter your car from elements that can damage it. Check your garage doors regularly to ensure that your vehicle and your home are also protected from criminals.
Those are our ideas to reduce fuel consumption while driving. Are you able to replicate these on your own? Let us know if they have helped you by saving fuel!
In the cover picture: Slowing down when reaching a traffic jam could make your driving more sustainable. Photo Credit: Unsplash
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed here by Impakter.com columnists are their own, not those of Impakter.com