Graham Hill is the founder of LifeEdited, a design company dedicated to helping people design with less stuff, for greater happiness. Passionate about sustainability and minimalism, Graham was previously the founder of, an eco blog that was sold to Discovery channel in 2007. The site continues to be one of the most visited green sites, reaching 5M unique visitors per month.

An advocate of ‘tiny living’, Graham Hill believes that “Happiness is not about stuff…it’s about relationships and connection and time”, as he commented in a recent Forbes interview. He therefore believes that is possible to live comfortably and happily in an apartment of less than 400 square feet.
In 2018, Graham Hill put his second micro-unit apartment in the market, in Manhattan’s SoHo neighbourhood, for $750,000. Speaking of the space, he commented
If you really, fully design your life and are conscious of what you bring into it then you create this nice feeling of just having enough but not too much: You’re not overspending and you don’t have a huge environmental footprint.
A recent New York Times Op-Ed, written by Graham Hill, discusses his minimalist design principles and optimism about tiny living. He was invited to speak at TED’s annual conference in both 2010 and 2011.
Graham Hill’s other company, ExceptionLab, aims to create socially and environmentally progressive prototypes. His most famous of these is the ceramic Greek-style coffee cup, as a replacement to paper cups.
Graham recently spoke to us about his work, dreams and future of tiny living. Here’s what he had to say:
Follow Graham Hill on Twitter @GHill.