The debate to pin the blame of fast fashion toggles between the company and the consumer. But when neither are willing to take fault, something’s got to give. In this case, it’s the Earth.
While we criticize each other’s choices to purchase fast fashion, or to not; to buy second hand, or to not; fast fashion continues to expand and produce, and the environment continues to bear the consequences.
A Small but Saturated Market
Most consumers of fast fashion are women. Marketing activities are often targeted towards them, most inventory is female clothing, and generally, women’s fashion is a bigger market than men’s fashion.
But without a doubt, male fast fashion consumers are prevalent as well, creating demand with these companies for an entirely new target market. Men’s fast fashion is a new opportunity for more production, more sales, and more money.
Even now, when it is still a small sector, men’s fast fashion has contributed to the unequivocal rise of giants like Shein. Over the past five years, Shein’s revenue has increased by 2,465%.
This astronomical change is due to the works of social media and influencer marketing but Shein opening up their brand to a new gender has also undoubtedly played a major role in the increase of sales.

The Same Book Just a Different Page
Despite the difference in styles and the extent of damage, men’s and women’s fast fashion are both environmentally destructive. A highly responsive supply chain operates beyond the demand of consumers, leading to excess products and materials that pollute the Earth.
Overproduction and overconsumption are two of mankind’s greatest downfalls. As landfills overflow, rivers of once fresh water are contaminated, and oxygen is depleted as more carbon dioxide and chemicals are pumped into the air, making our ecosystems suffer.
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By supporting fast fashion businesses, we propel these actions; we cause devastation, depredation, and eventually desolation. Individually, our only defense to counter these consequences is to solely buy second hand. Our planet cannot afford to produce new clothing any longer.
Whether we’ve accepted our society’s materialistic tendencies or live in a state of ignorance and denial, there is work to be done. Work that our Earth desperately needs us to do; despite our many differences in opinion, identity, economic status, or geographical location, we are all responsible for doing what we can to help save our planet.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed here by columnists are their own, not those of — In the Featured Photo: Men’s Clothing and Accessories. Featured Photo Credit: NorWood Themes.