We know we’ve descended from our planet, yet in these bustling times, it’s easy to forget our natural roots. Many humans have lost touch with the pureness and raw being that is within us all. Bio2You is a skincare brand that strives to reunite the two parties through natural, organic, and sustainably made skincare products.
Impakter Eco is inspired by Bio2You’s mission and ethos. We’ve added their products to our marketplace and spoke with the founder, Rita Lagzdina to learn more about the fruition of this brand.
Impakter: What inspired Bio2You? What is the company’s origin story?

Rita Lagzdina: Most of our ideas and solutions come through our own experiences and challenges that face our loved ones. My sister faced skin allergies growing up until one day someone introduced her to Sea Buckthorn, a super fruit. It helped my sister improve her skin’s condition and look radiant again. I was so intrigued by the results of this wonder fruit I derived Bio2You which includes this ingredient in all our product formulas.
Impakter: What is the meaning behind the company’s name?
Lagzdina: Bio2You incorporates our two core values – nature, and you! Our name showcases how we bring the best of nature to our customers. Our core ingredient, Sea Buckthorn, is one of the world’s most valuable super fruits. It’s fully packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and Omegas; three components we are excited to supply to our customers.

What sets Bio2You skincare apart from other skincare brands?
Lagzdina: We are not just marketing skincare products; we produce high-quality skincare that is backed by honest communication, superior customer service, and a real belief in our mission. It is not enough just to sell organic skincare; it is more important to produce and sell high-quality products with organic being a benefit, not the main attraction.
For example, there are several organic skincare products where alcohol is used as one of the main ingredients. Alcohol is in fact organic but is not good for extensive use on human skin because it dries it out, promotes aging, and facilities the creation of pigmentation. Many brands will still use alcohol in their product formulas because it is inexpensive.

In comparison, Bio2You concentrates only on ingredients that are good for the skin. We strive to build brand loyalty and long-term relationships with our customers. We mainly rely on word-of-mouth publicization which stems from our satisfied customer base. Our business is not only built on products, but on its values: quality, honesty, sustainability, and outstanding customer service.
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Impakter: What is the company’s mission statement?
Lagzdina: Bio2You combines the healing energy of nature with the wisdom of science to make products that enrich and protect our customers’ natural skin, beauty, and health.
Impakter: What makes Bio2You sustainable? What is the production process?
Lagzdina: Bio2You uses locally obtained and sold ingredients to minimize our carbon footprint. Furthermore, we strive for zero-residue production goals and waste reduction. Through our marketing, we educate consumers while intriguing them to choose our natural products.
Impakter: For someone just starting out in skincare, what products do you recommend?
Lagzdina: It’s hard to say because our products are very diverse to support a wide range of skin types. I would recommend choosing one product per facial area to start out. This way you can see which scent and ingredient combination is best for your skin. We have products that target all crucial parts of the face and body including the eye area, lips, teeth, and hair. You’ll be sure to find some that work for you.

Impakter: What led Bio2You to collaborate with Impakter Eco?
Lagzdina: Bio2You and Impakter Eco share the same core values which regard environmental sustainability, the prioritization of nature, and how we can utilize it as human beings. Our partnership gives Bio2You one more channel to bring our products to consumers who value natural and high-quality skincare.
Impakter: What can we expect to see in the future from Bio2You?
Lagzdina: Our team is passionate to continue as the valuable link between our roots of nature and our modern, 21st-century, fast-paced lifestyle. We will see what opportunities the enigma of nature will present so we may incorporate more potent ingredients into our products.
Editor’s Note: The opinions expressed here by Impakter.com columnists are their own, not those of Impakter.com. — In the Featured Photo: Anti Age Line. Featured Photo Credit: Bio2You.