Co-authors Aala Ali, Adham Hamed & Muntather Hassan

Co-authors Aala Ali, Adham Hamed & Muntather Hassan

Aala Ali
Aala Ali is a Social Cohesion & Community Mobilization Specialist for UNDP Iraq and Coordinator of the UNDP-funded project "Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System". Since completing her MA in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding at Eastern Mennonite University she has spent 15 years working in peace and conflict resolution and was considered one of Public Radio International's ‘Seven women peacemakers who should be on your radar’ in 2015.

Adham Hamed
Adham Hamed is University Assistant at the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, where he has worked as research fellow and Coordinator of the UNDP-funded project "Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System". He is a founder of the Many Peaces Magazine in 2014 and a founding member of the Research Center for Peace and Conflict (InnPeace) at the University of Innsbruck.
Muntather Hassan

Muntather Hassan is a Project Manager for Iraqi Al-Amal Association and Coordinator of the UNDP-funded project "Education for Peace in the Iraqi Higher Education System".