Rehnuma Sazzad

Rehnuma Sazzad

Dr Rehnuma Sazzad is a Research Fellow at the Institute of English Studies and Associate Fellow at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, and an Associate Tutor at the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, University of East Anglia. She is an Associate Editor and a Reviews Editor of Journal of Postcolonial Writing, and an Editorial Advisory Board Member for English: Journal of the English Association. Her first monograph, EDWARD SAID'S CONCEPT OF EXILE: IDENTITY AND CULTURAL MIGRATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST (2017), creates a portrait of redoubtable intellectual practice in today’s world by adding new depths to discourses of resistance, home and identity. She has published various pieces on postcolonial and world literatures (e.g. The International Journal of Human Rights 2021, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 2016, and Interdisciplinary Literary Studies 2015). She is currently completing her second monograph reflecting on linguistic nationalism in decolonized South Asia, DYNAMICS AMONG MOTHER LANGUAGE, MOTHERLANS, AND LIBERATION STRUGGLE: DECOLONIZATION OF SOUTH ASIA IN PERSPECTIVE. She is also co-editing a volume, Édouard Glissant’s SEARCH FOR NEW HORIZONS OF RELATION: VISIONS OF TRANSCULTURAL ARCHIPELAGO.