Dr Stephen Cornelius - Deputy Global Climate and Energy Lead at WWF

Dr Stephen Cornelius - Deputy Global Climate and Energy Lead at WWF

Dr Stephen Cornelius is the Deputy Global Leader & Innovation
Lead of Climate & Energy at WWF. Cornelius joined WWF as WWF-UK’s Chief Adviser on Climate Change in 2015 and has worked at the interface of science and policy. He has been a member of WWF’s international climate and energy leadership team and was the network lead on issues around global warming of 1.5°C and the organisation’s interaction with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cornelius led the production of several WWF flagship reports on topics including nature-based solutions and the impact of climate change on wildlife. Hailing from Australia, Cornelius holds a PhD in Control Engineering from the University of Cambridge relating to pollution from cars. He worked for an engineering consultancy on automotive pollution control for three years in the UK and Japan. Cornelius then spent a decade in the British civil service working on climate change science, policy and as an UK and EU climate change negotiator at the international UNFCCC and IPCC climate talks where he covered issues ranging from mitigation, the Kyoto Protocol and forests and land use.