Anika Molesworth - PhD International Agriculture

Anika Molesworth - PhD International Agriculture

Anika established and manages the International National Trusts Organisation’s Sustainable Farms program (INTO Farms).

She is keenly interested in the conservation of natural and cultural heritage in farming communities, and is a passionate advocate for sustainable farming, environmental conservation and climate change action. She is a founding member of Farmers for Climate Action, and connects landmanagers to researchers through her platform Climate Wise Agriculture in order to build resilience into farming communities.

Her interest in agriculture developed from her family’s sheep farm in Australia.

She spends a lot of time in Southeast Asia working as a researcher in international agricultural development, running her PhD crop trials with the Cambodia Agricultural Research and Development Institute.

She was awarded the 2015 Young Farmer of the Year, 2017 NSW Finalist for Young Australian of the Year, and most recently the NSW Young Achiever Award for Environment and Sustainability.