Matthew Keller
Matt Keller is the vice president of Democracy 21, where he helps lead Democracy 21’s lobbying efforts on campaign finance, voting rights and ethics reform, and government transparency on Capitol Hill. Previously, Matt was executive director of the $15 million Global Learning XPRIZE. He led the effort that challenged innovators from around the world to create technologies that bring children from non-literacy to literacy in just 15 months, especially in countries where quality learning programs are difficult to access.
In addition, Keller served as vice president of One Laptop per Child (OLPC), where he led OLPC’s ground-breaking literacy project in remote Ethiopia. Keller has also worked as a senior program officer with the United Nations World Food Programme in Rome, Italy, and as legislative director for Common Cause in Washington, DC, where he led the organization’s effort to enact the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 over a period of six years.