Takele Teshome
Takele Teshome is the Executive Director of the Association for Sustainable Development Alternatives (ASDA). He completed a diploma in General Agriculture at Jima’s Agricultural College and pursued his further education in Plant Science at Alemaya Agricultural University.
Takele also has a Masters degree in Agricultural Extension from the University of Reading, UK. He has also been trained in transformative leadership, environment diplomacy, disaster risk reduction and resilience building, climate change adaptation and gender.
Takele has worked in in government organizations, national and international NGOs, the private sector and UN agencies in Senior Programme Management and Coordination posts. He has also served in the International Federation for Organic Agriculture as Subregional Coordinator for Eastern Africa.
He is a member of the Learning Alliance for Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture, the Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture Platform, and the AU-EU partnership for research on food and nutrition security.