RSB Standard (Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials)
Certificate Description
Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) standard is a certification to ensure social responsibility and environmental stewardship of biomass and biofuel production.
It applies to the production, processing, conversion, trade and use of biomass and biofuels, and can be sought by feedstock and biofuel producers and processors, as well as biofuel blenders.
Certification to the RSB Standard covers feedstock production, entire supply chains, and novel technologies, including fuel, biomass and material products from bio-based and recycled carbon, including fossil waste.
The RSB Standard contributes to food security, rural development and protection of ecosystems. The RSB standard is managed by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, a global, multi-stakeholder independent organisation that drives the development of a bio-based and circular economy on a global scale through sustainability solutions, certification, and collaborative partnerships.